Saturday, June 16, 2007

Quick Funny Update

I thought everyone might think it was funny that I just realized I am actually blocked from viewing my own blog by the Chinese government. Luckily for me I am smart enough to sneak around their silly draconic blocking techniques and the blog *should* continue uninterrupted. If I stop posting for some reason, that means either they finally stopped me or they came and got me.

I also wanted to let everyone know that you are welcome and free to post comments on the pictures - you don't have to register or sign up for anything (before you did but I changed the settings). Just keep those comments PG!


Anonymous said...

great descriptions and reactions--for those fans following the trip, have you thought about applying for the amazing race with your friend flemming rhode?

Anonymous said...

LOVE the photos and details. Can't wait to hear more and more.

Unknown said...

matty looks like your having a great time over there. your pictures are money. keep in touch.