The journey was well worth it however, and we spent our entire day exploring the gorge. Tiger Leaping Gorge, according to the various signs around the area, is the largest and deepest gorge on earth. I don't know if that is actually true, but the claim seemed pretty legitimate at the time. We spent most of the day on a five to six mile walk around the narrow stone pathway that winds along the side of the gorge. The views from the walkway were breathtaking and, at times, a bit scary.
Danger permeated the air even as we arrived at the gorge, being bombarded with various warning signs. It was pretty hard to take the warning signs seriously, however, as they suffered from hilarious misspellings and ridiculous grammatical errors. I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I'll let you click the image below and read some of the signs for yourself.

Even more interesting than the policeman and soldiers, while walking along the trail we walked past numerous construction workers drilling and blasting holes in the side of the gorge. It was fascinating to see how we could walk right past these open construction areas, something that would be strictly forbidden in the U.S. In fact, I even managed to snap a shot of an empty box of TNT!
Our guide Fred informed us that the Chinese government is thinking of building a hydro-electric power station in the gorge, and they are currently blasting the mountain to test it's strength. (This fact was further confirmed by an abandoned town we drove past, followed by a shiny new series of buildings and apartments higher up on the mountain) It's sad to think that such a beautiful sight may one day be submerged underwater or ruined by a massive power plant, but China has certainly done the exact same thing in the past (Three Gorges Dam, anyone?).

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